As a part of 'Golden Telangana Initiative': KG to PG Programme has been started to provide free education to economically backward communities including Minorities. Minorities comprise of 14% of the State population. They are educationally as well as economically backward. To uplift these communities, the Honourable Chief Minister has established 204 Minorities Residential Schools and all are upgraded to Minorities Residential Junior Colleges.

This is one of the Flagship Programmes of the Honourable Chief Minister of Telangana State, which has become so successful that other States also trying to establish similar kind of schools for the Minority children. To administer these schools, a separate society has been established in the name of Telangana Minorities Residential Educational Institutions Society (TGMREIS) in the year 2016 with its Headquarters at Hyderabad.


The vision of TGMREIS is to provide Best quality education to the "Poorest of the Poor at Free of Cost". The motto or goal is to empower the students with Knowledge, Skills and Good Values, so that they will become asset to the country in the future


1 No. of Residential Schools 205 (107 Boys and 98 Girls)
2 No. of Upgraded Residential Junior Colleges 204 (107 Boys and 97 Girls)
3 No. of students admitted this Year 1,34,265
4 Students to be benefited by this Year 1,39,290
5 Medium of Instruction English
6 Syllabus State Syllabus
7 Classes V to Intermediate
8 Total Strength per School 640

Comparative Statement of Minorities Residential Schools before and after the formation of Telangana State

Description Before the formation of Telangana State After the formation of Telangana State
Number of Minority Residential Schools 12 Schools &2 Junior Colleges 205 schools & 204 Junior colleges
Number of Students to be benefited by this (2023-24) 6,020 Nos. 1,39,290 Nos.
(Boys - 73,824 Nos.
Girls - 65,466 Nos.)
Posts sanctioned 226 Nos. 7570 Nos.

1. The Community-wise students Admitted in TGMR Schools in the last Eight years is placed in the following table:

Community-wise students Admitted in TGMR Schools
Community 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25
Minorities 41127 50191 58896 58896 69886 71257 72357 Admissions
Non-Minorities 13954 18382 25877 25877 26654 26314 26524 are
TOTAL 55081 68573 84773 84773 96540 97571 98881 In Progress

2. The Community-wise students Admitted in TGMR Junior Colleges in the last Seven years is placed in the following table:

Community-wise students Admitted in TGMR Junior Colleges.
Community 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2023-24
Minorities 316 811 1258 5158 13126 20128 25165 Admissions
Non-Minorities 38 255 459 1759 4774 7519 10219 are
TOTAL 354 1066 1717 6917 17900 27647 35384 In Progress

3. Gender-wise students Admitted in TGMR Schools and TGMR Junior Colleges ( Sl. No. 1 + 2) in the last Seven years is placed in the following table:

Gender-wise students Admitted in TGMR Schools & Junior Colleges
Year 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25
Gender Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls
Schools 31640 23441 37463 31110 45584 39189 45584 39189 50593 45947 51007 46564 54082 49852 Admissions
Jr. Colleges 354 0 695 371 1265 452 4065 2852 9346 8554 15519 12128 17079 13252 Are
TOTAL 31994 23441 38158 31481 46849 39641 49649 42041 59939 54501 66526 58692 71161 63104 In Progress
Grand Total 55435 69639 86490 91690 114440 125218 134265

4. Allocation of Seats (Rule of Reservation):

Minorities (75%) Non-Minorities (25%)
Muslims Christians Sikh Jain Budhists Parsis Total SC ST BC OC/EBC Total Grand Total
62% 9% 1% 1% 1% 1% 75% 6% 5% 12% 2% 25% 100%
No. of Seats = 60 No. of Seats = 20 80
51 5 1 1 1 1 60 5 3 10 2 20 80


Syllabus State Syllabus
Medium of Instruction English
EnglishClasses from V to Intermediate
Each School Strength 640 Students

6. TGMREIS following Three Language system :

Option Language Combinations
1st Language Urdu Telugu
2nd Language Telugu Urdu/Hindi
3rd Language English English

7. The Category wise and Group-wise Junior Colleges of TGMREIS :

S.No Category GroupS Total
MPC & BPC MEC & CEC HEC & CEC Vocational
1 Boys 68 15 17 7 107
2 Girls 65 13 14 5 97
Total 133 28 31 12 204

List of Vocational Courses offered by TGMREIS:

Sl No. Course Sl No. Course
1 Medical Lab Technician 6 Construction Technology
2 Commercial Garment Tech. 7 Computer Science
3 Agri. Crop Production 8 Multi-Purpose Health Worker
4 Live Stock & Dairy Tech 9 Electrical Technician
5 Tourism & Hospitality Mgmt 10 Accounting & Taxation


i) Buildings (MSDP - PMJVK):

Out of 204 Schools, only 30 Schools are running in Govt. buildings, out of which, 13 School Buildings are own and 17 School Buildings belong to other Govt. Departments. Since most of the schools (190) are running in private buildings, it is necessary to have own buildings at the earliest.


Under Multi Sectorial Development Programme (MSDP), Govt. of India has sanctioned 7 School Buildings in First Phase and its construction work is completed.
Under MSDP, Govt. of India has sanctioned 6 more School Buildings in Second Phase and construction work of 4 School Buildings completed and 2 School Buildings are at the Finishing Level.


MSDP is renamed as Pradhan Mantri Jan Vikas Karyakram (PMJVK) and under this Karyakram, 10 School Buildings were sanctioned in Third Phase for the year 2019-20 and 3 School Buildings are at Beaming Level and 7 School Building in Finishing Level, out of which, 01 Building was handed over to the Society.


Under PMJVK in the same year, 31 more School Buildings were sanctioned in Fourth Phase. 4 School Buildings in agreement level, 2 in Basement level and 5 School buildings in Finishing Level. And 20 Buildings are yet to be grounded.

The Funds Flow for the above MSDP/PMJVK Buildings is as follows:

Amount in Rs. Crores
Phase No. of Bldgs Unit Cost State Share (40%) GOI Share (60%) Total
Sanctioned Released Balance Sanctioned Released Balance Sanctioned Released Balance
Phase - I 7 18.00 50.40 42.95 7.45 75.60 75.60 0 126.00 118.55 7.45
Phase - II 6 18.00 43.20 30.02 13.18 64.80 56.06 8.74 108.00 86.08 21.92
Phase - III 10 20.00 80.00 40.38 39.62 120.00 76.00 44.00 200.00 116.38 83.62
Phase - IV 31 20.00 248.00 15.49 232.51 372.00 79.98 292.02 620.00 95.47 524.53
Total 54 421.60 128.84 292.76 632.40 287.64 344.76 1054.00 416.48 637.52

The Readiness of MSDP/PMJVK Buildings is as follows:

Phase No. of Buildings No. of Buildings Works Taken Up Work yet to be Grounded Agreement Stage Plinth Level Roof Level Finishing Level Completed
Phase - I 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 7
Phase - II 6 6 0 0 0 0 2 4
Phase - III 10 10 0 0 3 0 6 1
Phase - IV 31 11 20 4 2 0 5 0
Total 54 34 20 4 5 0 13 12

ii) Facilities:

In addition, high quality materials are supplied to these schools like Bunker Cots, Dual Desks, Dining Tables, R.O. Plants, Incinerators, T.V.s, Digital Classrooms, Robotic Labs, Science Labs etc.,

iii) Student Amenities:

The following amenities are provided to the students at free of cost: School Uniform Two Pairs, Sport Dress with shoes one pair and socks two pairs, Tie, Belt, ID Card, Cosmetic Kit with 12 items, Students Stationery, Text Books, Note Books;

iv) Student Services

Barber Services (For Boys), Dhobi Services for Boys & Girls

v) Health:

Helping Hand - Screening of all Students.

Foundation - Centralised Health Monitoring System. 24 Hours Medical care is provided.Staff Nurse Services provided round the clock.

vi) Academics:

Basic Engineering, Robotics labs, Digital Class Rooms, Science Labs, Life Skills, Karadipath - English Language Skills, Library etc.MoU signed with IIIT Hyderabad, Centurion University and Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology (CCMB) for Academic Partnership and Skill Development.

vii) Sports:

Sports Kits (Indoor and Outdoor) - Zonal Sports Meet - Splash Summer Camp - Rock Climbing, Horse Riding, Rifle Shooting, Lawn Tennis, Sailing etc.,

viii) Self Defence:

The students of Girls Schools are imparted training on Self - Defence by eminent Lady Karate Champions.


A unique programme titled 'PARWAZ' is being conducted in all the Girls Schools to identify and enhance the inherited qualities of the Girl Students.

x) She-Team:

This team is especially focussing on the problems of the Girl Child. It also acts as counsellor to overcome their problems.

xi) Safety & Security:

CCTV Camera – Monitoring from the Head OfficeSecurity Services – To have round the clock safety and security, Security Guards have been engaged in all the Schools.

xii) Nutritious Food:

Chicken 6 times monthly, mutton twice monthly, boiled egg 5 days in a week, Milk with boost, Ghee and Pickle daily, seasonal fruits, evening snacks, Millet Biscuits/ Chikki etc.,

Per capita Diet expenditure per month for each student as follows:

Sl. No. Class Amount per month
1 Class V to Class-VII Rs. 950/-
2 Class VIII to Class-X Rs. 1100/-
3 Intermediate Rs. 1500/-


For the first time in the history of Govt. Institutions, Six of our students have participated in International Space Development Conference (ISDC) at Los Angeles, California, USA organised by NASA AMES Space Centre in association with National Space Society, San Jose University.

Our Students from Remote location like Kagaznagar have made an innovative 'Fuel Free Bike', which even does not need electrical charging.

Our Students stood second in National Level Robotic Competition conducted by Synopsys and Agastya Foundation in 2017-18.

During the Academic year 2022-23, for SSC, we achieved 94.8% Results with 59 Schools achieving 100% results. For Intermediate 1st Year, achieved 82.4% and for 2nd Year- 86.7% with 28 Junior Colleges achieving 100% Results.

The following is the year-wise Academic Achievements of TGMREIS in respect of the students who cleared their IIT-JEE Mains/IIT-JEE Advance, NEET, EAMCET (Both Engineering & Agriculture), IIT Basar, Polycet, ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research), CLAT (Common Law Admission Test), CUET (Common University Entrance Test for Admission in Central Universities), and HCL Techbee :

2019-20 4 1 2 3 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- 11
2020-21 15 5 14 176 59 -- -- -- -- -- -- 269
2021-22 17 3 60 147 143 23 1124 18 -- -- -- 1535
2022-23 18 1 74 651 636 7 1845 2 18 2 32 3286
2023-24 99 9 140 1500 1862 1589 11 152 58 5420
Progressive Total 153 19 290 2477 2701 30 4558 31 18 154 90 10521

First time in the history of minority community in Telangana State, four students have scaled Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Tanzania of South Africa.

Won many medals in National Regatta held at Hussain Sagar, Hyderabad and Krishnapatnam Port, Nellore in 2017-18.

Ten students were imparted training at Himalayan Mountaineering Institute, Sikkim and were successfully scaled Mt. Lakapakanchy (18200’), which is a Basic Training by HMI for scaling Mt. Everest.

Three Students participated in 4th Students Olympic International Athletic Games 2018 at Colombo, Sri Lanka and won One GOLD medal in Shotput and Two Silver medals, one each in 1500 mts. & 3000 mts running.

Two Students were selected by Indian Navy for Navy Boys Sports Company.

During 2021-22, Two Students (one each) participated in International Kick-Boxing & Kabaddi Tournaments.

During 2022-23, the following is the achievement of TGMREIS Students in International Events.

Event No. of Participants Event No. of Participants
Cricket 1 Kabaddi 1
Chess 30 Kho Kho 3
Total 35

During 2022-23, the following is the achievement of TGMREIS Students in Sports/Games/Athletics in National Level Meets:

Event No. of Participants Event No. of Participants
Athletics 8 Net Ball 7
Cricket 4 Wood Ball 11
Hockey 3 Boxing 1
Rock Ball 1 Shooting Ball 4
Rugby 1 Chess 1
Kabaddi 4 Table Soccer 1
Karate 11 Tennikoit 1
Kick Boxing 1 Atya-Patya 5
Wrestling 6 Ball Badminton 2
Kho Kho 1 Tennis Ball Cricket 6
Target Ball 3 Foot Ball 1
Volley Ball 4 Long Jump 1
Basket Ball 2 Jump Rope 2
Javelin Throw 1 Total 93


Telangana Minorities Residential Educational Institutions Society (TGMREIS) has created World Record by establishing 204 Residential Schools in mere span of 18 months.

Telangana State is the only State in the entire country which has established large number (204) of Residential Schools for Minorities Children.

For Minorities Education, Telangana State stands as role model for other States.

Government of India (GOI) is planning to implement similar Minorities Residential Schools in other States.

Officials from Govt. of India, Dy. C.M. of Andhra Pradesh, Government Representatives of Assam, West Bengal and Bihar States have visited Telangana State to study the model of Telangana Minorities Residential Schools.

First Govt. Schools in the State to have Robotic Labs and Skill Labs and also signed MoU with IIIT Hyderabad, Centurion University and Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology (CCMB) for Academic Partnership and Skill Development.

First Govt. Residential School in the State to participate in the NASA-sponsored Space Development Programme in USA.